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It is now illegal in California to park within 20 feet of the approach of any marked or unmarked crosswalk. 

Click here for more information.

San Rafael Police Department

San Rafael Police Department

Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition
and Use Policy (AB 481)

California Assembly Bill 481 requires law enforcement agencies to obtain approval of the applicable governing body (Mayor and City Council), by adoption of a military equipment use policy prior to taking certain actions relating to the funding, acquisition, or use of military equipment as defined by the legislature.

To help guide this process, and create transparency for our community, the San Rafael Police Department has established a link to all of the required materials including draft policy, current applicable equipment and full text of the bill.

Pursuant to Assembly Bill 481, the San Rafael Police Department will post its Annual Military Equipment Use Report on our website.

NOTE: SRPD has not obtained, nor does it utilize, any equipment procured from the United States Department of Defense through the Law Enforcement Support Program (also known as the 1028 or 1033 program).