For Immediate Release
Date: September 02, 2022 2:57 PM
Chief Spiller's Open Letter to the Community
A recently publicized incident involving the San Rafael Police Department has raised legitimate community concerns. Our officers responded to a complaint regarding an individual, engaged in an attempt to make an arrest, and a physical altercation ensued. (The individual has requested that his name be withheld.) We have heard members of our community express feelings of anger and frustration concerning the incident. While I know this sentiment will not bring resolution to the involved individual and his family, I recognize the anguish this incident has caused and am saddened by it.
I want to assure members of the San Rafael community that our department cares deeply about the community's feelings concerning this matter. Rudeness, lack of professionalism, or any unnecessary force are all examples of expressly prohibited conduct and such behavior is not-at-all condoned in our delivery of public safety services. The SRPD is conducting a thorough investigation of this incident. The actions and conduct of all department members involved are being examined. Any member of our department who is found to have failed to meet expectations or behaved outside our standards of conduct will be held accountable and disciplined as appropriate. Professionalism is an expectation of all members of this organization and treating all members of our community with dignity and respect is a clear expectation from the leadership of the San Rafael Police Department.
The San Rafael Police Department is accountable to those we serve. As your police department, we have the duty and responsibility to help people live in safety and to enjoy the wonderful quality of life for which San Rafael is known. We cannot do this work alone. Our leadership team emphasizes “working together” to accomplish our organizational objectives. Our goals include working together with our community. Everyone in the community has a role to play in keeping our community safe; however, as professional members of law enforcement, we must be accountable.
I am both personally and professionally concerned about this incident and how it impacts the trust our department has worked hard to build in this community. I want to assure all members of the San Rafael community that not only is this incident being critically examined, but we will examine our behaviors, including that of our leadership and for those department members that have fallen short, they will be held accountable.
As the Police Chief, I take responsibility for all the actions of our department. I am committed to addressing our shortcomings with an affirmative commitment to continuous improvement and advancing the professionalism of the department.
David C. Spiller
Police Chief
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Posted: September 02, 2022 2:57 PDT by A. Holm #517
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